Dear Parents/Guardians,
Governor JB Pritzker announced an Executive Order yesterday that supports safe in-person learning and requires that, effective immediately, in both public and private schools, masks be worn indoors by all teachers, staff, students, and visitors to PreK-12 schools, regardless of vaccination status. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention strengthened its guidance last week for universal indoor masking in schools, and Illinois will continue to follow the science, data, and public health experts to keep students in school and keep communities safe. Although our letter dated July 15, 2021 stated parents individually determine whether they and their child will wear a mask while attending school or religious education gatherings this fall, the Governor’s Executive Order has the force of law, and we are required to follow it. Our objective is to keep our students in school for in-person learning. With the approval of Most Reverend David J. Malloy, the Office of Catholic Education has directed our 35 diocesan elementary and secondary schools and our parish religious education programs to comply with Governor JB Pritzker’s Executive Order mandating the wearing of masks for in-person learning in our schools. We will continue to monitor COVID-19 positivity rates and levels of transmission and provide you with updated information from the Governor’s office, the Illinois Department of Public Health, and the Illinois State Board of Education should these protocols change. For more information, I encourage you to watch the Governor’s press conference. The Catholic Diocese of Rockford has the greatest concern and care for God’s children, and we will do what is required by the Governor to hopefully, eradicate COVID-19 and its variants. Sincerely, Vito C. DeFrisco Director of Educational Services Superintendent of Catholic Schools Dear Parents/Guardians,
Please see the attached PDF for the full Parent Letter from the Catholic Education Office at The Diocese of Rockford. Please read the full letter so you are informed prior to the school year starting. BELOW ARE SOME HIGHLIGHTS: Diocesan Guidelines for Catholic Schools and Parish Religious Education Programs:
Dear St. Mary School,
On Friday, November 13th, the DeKalb County Health Department sent a communication to all schools in DeKalb County recommending a pause on in person instruction in schools beginning November 30-January 19th, 2021. The community spread of Corona-19 Virus is the main concern in making this recommendation. I spoke to the Health Department this morning in reviewing our original plan of taking the two weeks after Thanksgiving Break off and conducting e-learning during this time. It is still highly recommended that we do not return to in person during the week of December 14th-December 18th. The benefits do not outweigh the risks during this time because the Health Department is predicting that our community could be hitting a peak at this time. Again, they did state that in person instruction has not been a major concern for any of the outbreaks as we have been proving all along with following all the mitigation rules to protect our school community. This is more for helping to slow the community spread. However, I feel as the school leader that our school needs to do their part in helping to slow the spread so that we are not overwhelming our medical offices and hospitals. Thus, we will be e-learning from November 30th - January 15, 2021 with a plan of return in person on Tuesday, January 19th. Here is the schedule:
The teachers will be working very hard this week to get the students prepped with all the materials that will be sent home for a productive e-learning time period. I know that this is not the most ideal timing as our teachers and students truly love the time after Thanksgiving preparing for Christmas celebrations. However, I want everyone to be healthy and safe for the their holidays and return to in person learning as soon as possible. Ashley Davis, Principal After speaking to the DeKalb Health Department and to other Medical Professionals in our DeKalb/Sycamore Community, we have decided to announce that the entire school will be conducting E-Learning from November 30th-December 11th.
We are taking the precaution of no in-person learning during this time due to the Thanksgiving Break. We know that families will be traveling, gathering to celebrate Thanksgiving with family and friends, and participating in traditions that bring people together. As people gather over the holiday break, germs do spread. It has been historical at our school that students become ill in large numbers between Thanksgiving and Christmas Break. The symptoms of Covid-19, Influenza, and other upper respiratory infections are very similar. We are working with RLS Tutoring to provide childcare options for parents that may need to utilize this service in our building during this time period. Students that are using RLS (our providers for Before and Aftercare) during this time would be working on their E-Learning each day they attend. A special rate will be determined to make sure that this is affordable for our families that may need to utilize the service. Teachers will be communicating to their families for preparations and material pick up and drop off during this time period as well. In person will resume Monday, December 14th with the last day before Christmas Break being December 18th. Also, our return to school from Christmas Break will now be on Monday, January 11th, 2021. This will follow the same practice of making sure that there is enough time from Christmas gatherings before the return to school to protect everyone's health and safety. Thank you for understanding this plan for the health and safety of all our St. Mary School Family. Ashley Davis, Principal We're one week away from starting the new academic school year! We've finalized our Return to Learn Plan based with some recent changes. As always, please reach out with any questions to [email protected] or call 815-756-7905. ![]()
As you may know, the DeKalb School District has decided to go to Remote Learning for the foreseeable future. Last evening, the St. Mary School Committee and Father Russell met to review the Return to Learn Plan to address some areas of concern that were brought up.
As of right now, we will continue to move forward with our school’s plan for reopening in-person. This can always change if the Diocese, State, or local governmental agencies state otherwise. It is important for our students and staff to be able to meet in person as much as possible at the beginning of school to develop a teacher and student relationship. Plans can always change as the need arises, and then our school will adjust accordingly. This may mean a hybrid schedule or a full remote schedule. Currently, all schools in the Rockford Diocese are still planning on in-person instruction. Below is a list of changes that will take place in the plan:
This year’s changes are only temporary. We have to continue to trust in the Lord at all times; and, be ready to adapt to challenges that will continue to happen due to the pandemic. 2020 has truly been a roller coaster ride for all of us. If you are not going to be sending your child to our school this year due to concerns, please let the office know so that we can plan accordingly. There are a lot of moving parts to the planning for this year. Thank you for understanding. Continue to pray for one another; and, an end to the pandemic. Ashley Davis, Principal Please email me at [email protected] with any questions or concerns. Dear St. Mary School, Thank you for your support in the last few weeks as our School and Diocese have been working hard to put together guidance that supports the CDC, ISBE, and IDPH guidelines for schools to be able to reopen in the Fall. Attached you will find our school's plan. This plan is subject to change as necessary to make sure that we are all making sure that our school community is safe. I want to personally thank the school reopening team that has reviewed the plan and given feedback to make sure that all parts of our school day are addressed. I also want to thank the teachers and staff of St. Mary School that have been coming in during the last two weeks to begin getting their rooms ready. Many of our staff members are still taking professional development throughout this summer to become even more knowledgeable on how to best teach in this new "normal". At this time, the Diocese is following the recommendations of the ISBE and IDPH about the use of face coverings. There will be a July Lancer Ledger coming at the end of the month with dates for all back to school events that include supply drop off and Back to School Night. Your teachers will be emailing any adjustments to the school supply list. Please make sure to pay attention to those emails in the next few weeks. Continue to pray for one another and an end to the pandemic. God love you, Ashley Davis Principal Read the full plan here: ![]()
The return to learn plan is currently being reviewed by the planning committee this week. This group consists of faculty and staff members, school committee members, Father Russell, and healthcare professionals that deal with Covid-19 on a daily basis in the medical field.
The Diocese plans on making a final decision on masks within the next few days. They are waiting on more thorough information on this matter. Thus, I will be sharing our school plan once I hear back officially on the use of masks in school and also the feedback from our school planning team. Faculty and Staff have been busy coming into the building to work in their rooms to get set up for students to return in person. They are also planning on creative ways to allow students to feel comfortable in their new learning environment. I do thank all of you for your questions that you submitted to me over the last week. I have incorporated all of your questions into the plan. It is set up as a Q & A document. Our return to learn plan does encompasses all aspects of our school day and learning environment. We ask that you set up a routine throughout the summer so you can talk to your children a elings during these unusual days. This way, you can help your children visualize what is different and hopefully reduce anxiety about all the anticipated changes. This can include the use of cloth face coverings or reminding your child not to touch their face covering as much as possible and wash their hands frequently for 20 seconds with soap and water. We also recommend that over the summer families try out different kinds of masks on their children to see what styles/fits make the most sense. We just ask that the designs are appropriate for the mission of SMS and that the children will be able to adjust to them. Please understand that conditions are changing daily and guidance from the Illinois State Board of Education has been fluid with changes. We will do our best to keep you informed as we work hard to keep our students and staff safe. We will continue with our weekly communication and include any additional information as we receive it. This plan will continue to be reviewed and updated as guidance is shared from the ISBE, Rockford Diocese, IDPH, and CDC. Thank you for your support and patience during this time. Continue to pray for one another and an end to the pandemic. God love you, Ashley Davis |
AuthorSt. Mary School DeKalb Archives
August 2023
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